Saturday, 7 February 2009

Well, have has nearly a week off work due to snow. Hoping it will be back to normal for Monday.
Dogs have loved it.. First time snow for Merlin.. And looking in my pics folder it snowed this time in Feb last year... Didn't last as long though or cause so much havoc...
Just waiting for the better weather so we can get pup housetrained.... He asks to go outside with Tommy and then he comes in to do his business.. lol....
We got to get it right sometime....


Paula's ponderings said...

awwww he looks like hes having fun!!

Totty Teabag said...

They look as if they are getting on better now...

Myrt said... Sis, they look so cute together - Merlin has grown quite a bit - they look liked they are now good friends?