Sunday, 19 April 2009

Well, have done it again.... It has been a while since I last posted.... Busy with work and busy enjoying 2 weeks off for the Easter break.. Haven't made any cards for a long time but wanted to make one for a neighbour whose husband passed away 2 weeks ago.. As you know I love my pergamano and it is perfect for condolance cards.... This one is a mix of pergamano and a decoupage flower and backing paper from one of Susan Winter's CDs.


Myrt said...

Hi Sis:
Oh my,what a beautiful card - and you do peragamo (sp?) so well. It's nice to see you post again.

Roz said...

Gorgeous Chris!

Totty Teabag said...

It looks perfect, Chris...lovely work that I'm sure will be appreciated.

Jeannie said...

Chris, your cards are just beautiful!

Winnie said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a gorgeous card,